Tech-Labs Joins the Fight Against COVID-19

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, everyone at Tech-Labs has made efforts to support the medical community from its headquarters in Katy, Texas by 3D printing face shield frames. As most schools have closed down campuses to help flatten the curve, our service technicians have changed their focus from supporting our customers on-site to supporting our community. We have dedicated both our Fortus F450 & F120 Stratasys 3D printing systems to produce face shield frames and other medical device components. Each team member has taken shifts to keep our machines running nearly 24/7.
We have already produced hundreds of units, and will not stop until face shields are no longer needed. We are doing everything we can to help make a difference, and are proud to see both our customers and manufacturers we represent doing the same. We are very thankful that Stratasys has supported our efforts from day one. We are also incredibly thankful to our first responders and all medical providers who are working diligently to save lives.
Stratasys has worked relentlessly to help combat the virus, by matching available resources with 3D printing capacity to the medical community in need. If you have available resources to help or are in need of protective shields or medial components, reach out to Stratasys here.
Tech-Labs is a full-service educational equipment and curriculum provider. Visit us at to learn more.